Functional Neurosurgery, Spinal and Peripheral Nerves department

The functional neurosurgery service is a pioneering service in the treatment of pathologies of the marrow and nerves. He has thus designed or developed many surgical techniques.


Research axis

Professor Marc Guénot is a neurosurgeon, Deputy Head of Department, in the Functional Neurosurgery department of the P. Wertheimer Neurological Hospital, and professor of Neurosurgery at Claude Bernard Lyon I University.
He is involved, both clinically and scientifically, in the practice and development of epilepsy surgery. His main scientific work focuses on electrophysiology applied to neurosurgery, and attempts to contribute to a better understanding of certain brain functions.

Main areas of research:
Participation in the study of data from chronic intracerebral recordings by StereoElectroEncephalography (SEEG), and in particular:
• Improvement of stereotactic neurosurgery techniques.
• Explorations to study the physiology and pathophysiology of the insula.
• Use of SEEG electrodes to perform multiple thermocoagulations of the epileptogenic focus (technique distributed throughout the world).
• Conceptual and technical aspects of epilepsy surgery under awake anesthesia conditions.


1. Visceral and emotional responses to direct electrical stimulations of the cortex.
Soulier H, Mauguière F, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Isnard J, Hermier M, Guenot M, Rheims S, Mazzola L.Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023 Jan;10(1):5-17.

2. A successful awake pediatric neurosurgery procedure following, 3 months after, a previous failure due to an emergence agitation: a case report.
Bapteste L, Marchal M, Szostek AS, Guenot M, Beuriat PA.Childs Nerv Syst. 2023 May;39(5):1353-1356.

3. Awake craniotomy for epilepsy surgery on eloquent speech areas: a single-centre experience.
Korkar GH, Isnard J, Montavont A, Catenoix H, Rheims S, Guénot M. Epileptic Disord. 2021 Apr 1;23(2):347-356. doi: 10.1684/epd.2021.1275.

4. Surgical techniques: Stereoelectroencephalography-guided radiofrequency-thermocoagulation (SEEG-guided RF-TC).
Bourdillon P, Rheims S, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Isnard J, Guénot M. Seizure. 2019 Jan 25. pii: S1059-1311(18)30568-5. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2019.01.021. Review.

5. « Effective accuracy of stereoelectroencephalography: robotic 3D versus Talairach orthogonal approaches. »
Bourdillon P, Châtillon CE, Moles A, Rheims S, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Boulogne S, Isnard J, Guénot M. J Neurosurg. 2018 Dec 1:1-9.

6. « Stereo-electroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation in patients with focal epilepsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. »
Bourdillon P, Cucherat M, Isnard J, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Catenoix H, Guénot M, Rheims S. Epilepsia. 2018 Oct 21.

7. « Stereotactic Electroencephalography Is a Safe Procedure, Including for Insular Implantations. »
Bourdillon P, Ryvlin P, Isnard J, Montavont A, Catenoix H, Mauguière F, Rheims S, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Guénot M. World Neurosurg. 2017 Mar;99:353-361.

8. « Stereo electroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (SEEG-guided RF-TC) in drug-resistant focal epilepsy: Results from a 10-year experience. »
Bourdillon P, Isnard J, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Mauguiere F, Guénot M. Epilepsia. 2017 Jan;58(1):85-93.

9. « Stereo-electro-encephalography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation: From In Vitro and In Vivo Data to Technical Guidelines. »
Bourdillon P, Isnard J, Catenoix H, Montavont A, Rheims S, Ryvlin P, Ostrowsky-Coste K, Mauguiere F, Guénot M. World Neurosurg. 2016 Oct;94:73-79.