Equipe neurologie de l’enfant

Service de neurologie pédiatrique

Le service de neurologie pédiatrique est spécialisé dans le diagnostic et le traitement des maladies du système nerveux de l’enfant, du nouveau-né à l’adolescent.



  • Psychologie développementale et imagerie cérébrale de l’X fragile et autres DILX. Description clinique de nouveaux syndromes de DILX, étude des processus cognitifs et des réseaux neuronaux sous-jacents (IRM morphologique et fonctionnelle).
  • Essais thérapeutiques dans les troubles du Neurodéveloppement (TND). Cinq essais thérapeutiques multicentriques dans le Syndrome X fragile ont permis de repenser les critères de jugement cognitifs objectifs requis dans les essais dans le champ des TND.
  • Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Trois projets de recherche participative sont menés avec les professionnels de l’accompagnement, les patients, leurs parents et les associations : Enquête « DIXIT » : évaluation de l’impact des syndromes génétiques avec DI sur la vie quotidienne de l’enfant et de ses parents ; Etude Action « Eval’ID » : évaluation de la connaissance par les enseignants et éducateurs spécialisés, du profil de fonctionnement des enfants scolarisés en ULIS école ou en IME ; « The neurocognitive bases of trust in Down Syndrome »: étude des bases cognitives de la confiance chez la personne T21 (mesures comportementales, en eye-tracking et en neuroimagerie).
  • Cohortes longitudinales d’enfants atteints de malformations cérébrales de pronostic incertain (Agénésies du corps calleux, malformations du cervelet). Partenariat Pr L Guibaud et équipes de génétique (A Putoux, D Sanlaville, GHE ; D Héron, Salpétrière).
  • D’autres sujets de recherche sont réalisés en collaboration avec les coordonnateurs des CR maladies rares (épilepsies, Mdies Inflammatoire, NF1) et le CR National AVC de l’enfant.


1. Normal intellectual skills in patients with Rhombencephalosynapsis
Bonnetain MF, Rougeot-Jung C, Sarret C, Lion-François L, Revol O, Peyric E, Velazquez-Dominguez J, Miret A, Rossi M, Massoud M, Laurichesse-Delmas H, Guibaud L, des Portes V

Eur J Paediatr Neurol (2020) — Résumé


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Objectives: Rhombencephalosynapsis (RES) is a very rare cerebellar malformation. Neurodevelopmental outcome of apparently isolated RES remains poorly documented and standardized cognitive assessment, reported in only nine published cases so far, is lacking. Prenatal counselling is challenging considering the uncertain prognosis of isolated RES. The aim of this study was to focus on cognitive and motor outcome of isolated RES with a clinical description of six new cases and a detailed review of the literature. Methods: A single-centre retrospective study of all RES patients over a 15-year period. Ataxia and fine motor skills were scored using a five-grade scale, according to the degree of disturbance of daily living. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was established according to age-related Weschler Intelligence Scales. A systematic literature review included published cases with relevant outcome data. Results: Six new cases of apparently isolated RES were reported, including three diagnosed in prenatal settings. The onset age for walking was delayed in four patients. Three patients had head shaking and three had a strabismus. One patient had a mild motor disability, one had subtle ataxia that did not impair daily life and four patients had a normal neurological examination at the last visit. Intellectual abilities were normal in all patients (full IQ score from 90 to 142), although three had ADHD. All received standard schooling. Based on these six new cases, as well as cases from 12 publications in the literature, a total of 28 patients with non-syndromic RES were analysed. Concerning motor outcome, 72% had no complaint or minimal impairment, 16% moderate and 12% severe impairment. Concerning cognitive outcome, 68% had normal cognitive skills, 18% borderline intellectual functioning and 14% moderate to severe disability. Keywords: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Cognitive outcome; Intellectual abilities; Magnetic resonance imaging; Prenatal counselling; Rhombencephalosynapsis; Vermis.

2. Intellectual disability
des Portes V

Handb Clin Neurol (2020) — Résumé


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Intellectual disability (ID) or intellectual developmental disability (IDD) is one of the commonest neurodevelopmental disabilities worldwide and is known to affect 2% of the population of France or just over a million people. It is marked by a reduced ability to reason and understand abstract or complex information, which heavily restricts school learning and limits the individual’s ability to adapt to daily life, including their transition to adulthood. Intellectual handicap or mental handicap results from an interaction between the individual vulnerability of a person with ID and their ecosystem, in other words, their family, and cultural and institutional environment, which can be a barrier or a facilitator. Identifying a child with an unusual developmental trajectory requires professionals to have a good understanding of psychomotor development. ID may be isolated but is very often intertwined with other neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, motor or sensory difficulties (hearing, vision), serious sleep and eating disorders, and medical conditions such as epilepsy, as well as a wide variety of psychopathologic problems, including anxiety, depression, and emotional regulation disorders. There are many causes of ID. More than half of all cases are genetic in origin, and there are several hundreds of rare diseases about which little is known so far. The use of new genetic techniques (high-throughput sequencing) should reduce the number of people who are undiagnosed and give way to a comprehensive diagnostic approach based on clinical practice. A regular multidimensional evaluation of cognitive, educational, socioemotional, and adaptive skills throughout life provides a better understanding of how individuals with ID function and will contribute toward the planning of more appropriate strategies for learning, care, and support, leading to a better quality of life and participation in society.

3. Outcome of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum: A population-based prospective study
des Portes V, Rolland A, Velazquez-Dominguez J, Peyric E, Cordier MP, Gaucherand P, Massardier J, Massoud M, Curie A, Pellot A, Rivier F, Lacalm A, Clément A, Ville D, Guibaud L

Eur J Paediatr Neurol (2018) — Résumé


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Objectives: Neurodevelopmental outcome of apparently isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) remains a major concern with uncertain prognosis. Despite normal IQ reported in a majority of patients, the rates of learning disabilities and severe outcome (ranging from 0% to 20%) are not clearly established. Methods: A large population-based series was investigated based on a longitudinal follow-up until school age, using Wechsler Intelligence scales at 3, 5, and 7 years. Results: Fifty women were referred to a tertiary referral unit for an apparently isolated ACC confirmed by ultrasound, foetal MRI, and karyotyping or array CGH. Twelve pregnancies were terminated, one foetus died in utero, one pregnancy outcome was unknown, and 36 babies were born. Two were lost to follow-up. Thirty-four children could be classified into three groups. Group 1 comprised two children (6%) with severe intellectual disability (one Mowat-Wilson syndrome and one ASD). Group 2 comprised 10 children (29%) who had learning disabilities and borderline intellectual functioning (VIQ and/or PIQ scores >70 and <85); three patients had hypopituitarism with additional MRI anomalies revealed after birth. Group 3 comprised 22 children (65%) who had both VIQ and PIQ >85 (-1 SD) with a normal school level. Longitudinal follow-up revealed weaker PIQ in younger children which improved with age. Conclusion: Our data indicate that intellectual ability is normal (IQ > 85) in approximately two thirds and borderline in just over a quarter of patients. However, a low risk of severe cognitive impairment exists, and this information should be shared with couples during prenatal counselling.

4. Basal ganglia involvement in ARX patients: The reason for ARX patients very specific grasping?
Curie A, Friocourt G, des Portes V, Roy A, Nazir T, Brun A, Cheylus A, Marcorelles P, Retzepi K, Maleki N, Bussy G, Paulignan Y, Reboul A, Ibarrola D, Kong J, Hadjikhani N, Laquerrière A, Gollub RL

Neuroimage Clin (2018) — Résumé


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The ARX (Aristaless Related homeoboX) gene was identified in 2002 as responsible for XLAG syndrome, a lissencephaly characterized by an almost complete absence of cortical GABAergic interneurons, and for milder forms of X-linked Intellectual Disability (ID) without apparent brain abnormalities. The most frequent mutation found in the ARX gene, a duplication of 24 base pairs (c.429_452dup24) in exon 2, results in a recognizable syndrome in which patients present ID without primary motor impairment, but with a very specific upper limb distal motor apraxia associated with a pathognomonic hand-grip, described as developmental Limb Kinetic Apraxia (LKA). In this study, we first present ARX expression during human fetal brain development showing that it is strongly expressed in GABAergic neuronal progenitors during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. We show that although ARX expression strongly decreases towards the end of gestation, it is still present after birth in some neurons of the basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebral cortex, suggesting that ARX also plays a role in more mature neuron functioning. Then, using morphometric brain MRI in 13 ARX patients carrying c.429_452dup24 mutation and in 13 sex- and age-matched healthy controls, we show that ARX patients have a significantly decreased volume of several brain structures including the striatum (and more specifically the caudate nucleus), hippocampus and thalamus as well as decreased precentral gyrus cortical thickness. We observe a significant correlation between caudate nucleus volume reduction and motor impairment severity quantified by kinematic parameter of precision grip. As basal ganglia are known to regulate sensorimotor processing and are involved in the control of precision gripping, the combined decrease in cortical thickness of primary motor cortex and basal ganglia volume in ARX dup24 patients is very likely the anatomical substrate of this developmental form of LKA.

5. Drug development for neurodevelopmental disorders: lessons learned from fragile X syndrome
Berry-Kravis EM, Lindemann L, Jønch AE, Apostol G, Bear MF, Carpenter RL, Crawley JN, Curie A, Des Portes V, Hossain F, Gasparini F, Gomez-Mancilla B, Hessl D, Loth E, Scharf SH, Wang PP, Von Raison F, Hagerman R, Spooren W, Jacquemont S

(2018) — Résumé


Neurodevelopmental disorders such as fragile X syndrome (FXS) result in lifelong cognitive and behavioural deficits and represent a major public health burden. FXS is the most frequent monogenic form of intellectual disability and autism, and the underlying pathophysiology linked to its causal gene, FMR1, has been the focus of intense research. Key alterations in synaptic function thought to underlie this neurodevelopmental disorder have been characterized and rescued in animal models of FXS using genetic and pharmacological approaches. These robust preclinical findings have led to the implementation of the most comprehensive drug development programme undertaken thus far for a genetically defined neurodevelopmental disorder, including phase IIb trials of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) antagonists and a phase III trial of a GABAB receptor agonist. However, none of the trials has been able to unambiguously demonstrate efficacy, and they have also highlighted the extent of the knowledge gaps in drug development for FXS and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In this Review, we examine potential issues in the previous studies and future directions for preclinical and clinical trials. FXS is at the forefront of efforts to develop drugs for neurodevelopmental disorders, and lessons learned in the process will also be important for such disorders.

6. Certainty of genuine treatment increases drug responses among intellectually disabled patients
Jensen KB, Kirsch I, Pontén M, Rosén A, Yang K, Gollub RL, des Portes V, Kaptchuk TJ, Curie A

Neurology (2017) — Résumé


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Objective: To determine the placebo component of treatment responses in patients with intellectual disability (ID). Methods: A statistical meta-analysis comparing bias-corrected effect sizes (Hedges g) of drug responses in open-label vs placebo-controlled clinical trials was performed, as these trial types represent different certainty of receiving genuine treatment (100% vs 50%). Studies in fragile X, Down, Prader-Willi, and Williams syndrome published before June 2015 were considered. Results: Seventeen open-label trials (n = 261, 65% male; mean age 23.6 years; mean trial duration 38 weeks) and 22 placebo-controlled trials (n = 721, 62% male; mean age 17.1 years; mean trial duration 35 weeks) were included. The overall effect size from pre to post treatment in open-label studies was g = 0.602 (p = 0.001). The effect of trial type was statistically significant (p = 0.001), and revealed higher effect sizes in studies with 100% likelihood of getting active drug, compared to both the drug and placebo arm of placebo-controlled trials. We thus provide evidence for genuine placebo effects, not explainable by natural history or regression toward the mean, among patients with ID. Conclusions: Our data suggest that clinical trials in patients with severe cognitive deficits are influenced by the certainty of receiving genuine medication, and open-label design should thus not be used to evaluate the effect of pharmacologic treatments in ID, as the results will be biased by an enhanced placebo component.

7. A Novel Analog Reasoning Paradigm: New Insights in Intellectually Disabled Patients
Curie A, Brun A, Cheylus A, Reboul A, Nazir T, Bussy G, Delange K, Paulignan Y, Mercier S, David A, Marignier S, Merle L, de Fréminville B, Prieur F, Till M, Mortemousque I, Toutain A, Bieth E, Touraine R, Sanlaville D, Chelly J, Kong J, Ott D, Kassai B, Hadjikhani N, Gollub RL, des Portes V

PLoS One (2016) — Résumé


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Background Intellectual Disability (ID) is characterized by deficits in intellectual functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, planning, abstract thinking, judgment, and learning. As new avenues are emerging for treatment of genetically determined ID (such as Down’s syndrome or Fragile X syndrome), it is necessary to identify objective reliable and sensitive outcome measures for use in clinical trials. Objective We developed a novel visual analogical reasoning paradigm, inspired by the Progressive Raven’s Matrices, but appropriate for Intellectually Disabled patients. This new paradigm assesses reasoning and inhibition abilities in ID patients. Methods We performed behavioural analyses for this task (with a reaction time and error rate analysis, Study 1) in 96 healthy controls (adults and typically developed children older than 4) and 41 genetically determined ID patients (Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome and ARX mutated patients). In order to establish and quantify the cognitive strategies used to solve the task, we also performed an eye-tracking analysis (Study 2). Results Down syndrome, ARX and Fragile X patients were significantly slower and made significantly more errors than chronological age-matched healthy controls. The effect of inhibition on error rate was greater than the matrix complexity effect in ID patients, opposite to findings in adult healthy controls. Interestingly, ID patients were more impaired by inhibition than mental age-matched healthy controls, but not by the matrix complexity. Eye-tracking analysis made it possible to identify the strategy used by the participants to solve the task. Adult healthy controls used a matrix-based strategy, whereas ID patients used a response-based strategy. Furthermore, etiologic-specific reasoning differences were evidenced between ID patients groups. Conclusion We suggest that this paradigm, appropriate for ID patients and developmental populations as well as adult healthy controls, provides an objective and quantitative assessment of visual analogical reasoning and cognitive inhibition, enabling testing for the effect of pharmacological or behavioural intervention in these specific populations.

8. Mavoglurant in fragile X syndrome: Results of two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
Berry-Kravis E *, des Portes V*, Hagerman R, Jacquemont S, Charles P, Visootsak J, Brinkman M, Rerat K, Koumaras B, Zhu L, Barth GM, Jaecklin T, Apostol G, von Raison F.

Sci Transl Med (2016) — Résumé


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Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability and autistic spectrum disorder, is typically caused by transcriptional silencing of the X-linked FMR1 gene. Work in animal models has described altered synaptic plasticity, a result of the up-regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)-mediated signaling, as a putative downstream effect. Post hoc analysis of a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover phase 2 trial suggested that the selective mGluR5 antagonist mavoglurant improved behavioral symptoms in FXS patients with completely methylated FMR1 genes. We present the results of two phase 2b, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group studies of mavoglurant in FXS, designed to confirm this result in adults (n = 175, aged 18 to 45 years) and adolescents (n = 139, aged 12 to 17 years). In both trials, participants were stratified by methylation status and randomized to receive mavoglurant (25, 50, or 100 mg twice daily) or placebo over 12 weeks. Neither of the studies achieved the primary efficacy end point of improvement on behavioral symptoms measured by the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community Edition using the FXS-specific algorithm (ABC-C(FX)) after 12 weeks of treatment with mavoglurant. The safety and tolerability profile of mavoglurant was as previously described, with few adverse events. Therefore, under the conditions of our study, we could not confirm the mGluR theory of FXS nor the ability of the methylation state of the FMR1 promoter to predict mavoglurant efficacy. Preclinical results suggest that future clinical trials might profitably explore initiating treatment in a younger population with longer treatment duration and longer placebo run-ins and identifying new markers to better assess behavioral and cognitive benefits.

9. Placebo Responses in Genetically Determined Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis.
Curie A, Yang K, Kirsch I, Gollub RL, des Portes V, Kaptchuk TJ, Jensen KB

Plos One (2015) — Résumé


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Background Genetically determined Intellectual Disability (ID) is an intractable condition that involves severe impairment of mental abilities such as learning, reasoning and predicting the future. As of today, little is known about the placebo response in patients with ID. Objective To determine if placebo response exists in patients with genetically determined ID. Data sources and Study selection We searched Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, CENTRAL and PsycINFO to find all placebo-controlled double-blind randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in patients with genetically determined ID, published up to April 2013, focusing on core ID symptoms. Data extraction and synthesis Two investigators extracted outcome data independently. Main outcomes and measures Bias-corrected standardized mean difference (Hedge’s g) was computed for each outcome measure, using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. A priori defined patient sub-groups were analyzed using a mixed-effect model. The relationship between pre-defined continuous variable moderators (age, IQ, year of publication and trial duration) and effect size was analyzed using meta-regression Results Twenty-two placebo-controlled double-blind RCTs met the inclusion criteria (n = 721, mean age = 17.1 years, 62% men, mean trial duration = 35 weeks). There was a significant overall placebo response from pre- to post-treatment in patients with ID (g = 0.468, p = 0.002), both for “subjective outcomes” (a third-person’s evaluation of the patient) (g = 0.563, p = 0.022) and “objective outcomes” (direct evaluation of the patient’s abilities) (g = 0.434, p = 0.036). Individuals with higher IQ had higher response to placebo (p = 0.02) and no placebo response was observed in ID patients with comorbid dementia. A significant effect of age (p = 0.02) was found, indicating higher placebo responses in treatment of younger patients. Conclusions and relevance Results suggest that patients with genetically determined ID improve in the placebo arm of RCTs. Several mechanisms may contribute to placebo effects in ID, including expectancy, implicit learning and “placebo-by-proxy” induced by clinicians/family members. As the condition is refractory, there is little risk that improvements are explained by spontaneous remission. While new avenues for treatment of genetically determined ID are emerging, our results demonstrate how contextual factors can affect clinical outcomes and emphasize the importance of being vigilant on the role of placebos when testing novel treatments in ID.

10. The c.429-452 duplication of the ARX gene: a unique developmental-model of limb kinetic apraxia
Curie A, Nazir T, Brun A, // Roy A, des Portes V

Orphanet J Rare Dis (2014) — Résumé


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Background Intellectual Disability (ID) is characterized by deficits in intellectual functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, planning, abstract thinking, judgment, and learning. As new avenues are emerging for treatment of genetically determined ID (such as Down’s syndrome or Fragile X syndrome), it is necessary to identify objective reliable and sensitive outcome measures for use in clinical trials. Objective We developed a novel visual analogical reasoning paradigm, inspired by the Progressive Raven’s Matrices, but appropriate for Intellectually Disabled patients. This new paradigm assesses reasoning and inhibition abilities in ID patients. Methods We performed behavioural analyses for this task (with a reaction time and error rate analysis, Study 1) in 96 healthy controls (adults and typically developed children older than 4) and 41 genetically determined ID patients (Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome and ARX mutated patients). In order to establish and quantify the cognitive strategies used to solve the task, we also performed an eye-tracking analysis (Study 2). Results Down syndrome, ARX and Fragile X patients were significantly slower and made significantly more errors than chronological age-matched healthy controls. The effect of inhibition on error rate was greater than the matrix complexity effect in ID patients, opposite to findings in adult healthy controls. Interestingly, ID patients were more impaired by inhibition than mental age-matched healthy controls, but not by the matrix complexity. Eye-tracking analysis made it possible to identify the strategy used by the participants to solve the task. Adult healthy controls used a matrix-based strategy, whereas ID patients used a response-based strategy. Furthermore, etiologic-specific reasoning differences were evidenced between ID patients groups. Conclusion We suggest that this paradigm, appropriate for ID patients and developmental populations as well as adult healthy controls, provides an objective and quantitative assessment of visual analogical reasoning and cognitive inhibition, enabling testing for the effect of pharmacological or behavioural intervention in these specific populations.